Combating the impact of climate change in low and middle-income countries by enhancing local university connection and contribution.

The ACU is serving as an impact partner for Climate-U, a three-year research study focusing on the role of universities in combating climate change. They are calling for expressions of interest in joining as an affiliate within two schemes:
Affiliate Universities Scheme
As part of the project’s commitment to international cooperation on climate action, we are inviting new partners to join in the research as affiliate universities. We are welcoming proposals from affiliate institutions in our existing project countries (Brazil, Fiji, Kenya and Mozambique) and in other parts of the world. Affiliation to the project can involve some or all of the following activities:
- establishment of a participatory action research group on climate action
- conducting climate-related research within the university utilising the data collection instruments of the project (questionnaire, interviews etc)
- involvement in comparative policy analysis
- development of publications and outputs (academic, policy-focused and social media)
- local, national and international advocacy
- networking and dialogue with other university partners, nationally and internationally
Affiliate Researchers Scheme
We also welcome researchers working at the intersection of education and climate change to affiliate themselves to the project. These may be academics, graduate students or independent researchers, located at participating or affiliate universities or in other institutions. Affiliate researchers are invited to propose their own forms of collaboration, but may be involved in any of the following activities:
- participating in data collection and analysis at affiliate universities
- replicating parts of the research design at other institutions
- developing new strands of research in association with project researchers
- contributing to the project blog, working paper series, or events
- participating in joint engagement, advocacy and mobilisation actions
In addition, affiliate researchers are welcome to participate in networking and knowledge exchange events and professional development activities run by the project, and will be listed on the website.
If you are interested in being considered either as an affiliate university or an affiliate researcher, or would like further information on the project, please contact Charlotte Nussey ( or visit the project's website:
In your email please include the following information:
- Lead researcher/applicant including your name, job title and email address
- Relevant colleagues including names and job titles
- Reason for interest in affiliation
- Recent relevant publications
Please note: The deadline for expressions of interest has now passed.