The voice of higher education in the Commonwealth

In 2024 The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) and the Commonwealth Secretariat launched the Higher Education Taskforce, formed to represent the voice of higher education in the Commonwealth and drive forward progress on education policy commitments.
The Taskforce is a group made up of Commonwealth university vice-chancellors. It will support Commonwealth member states to realise the education policy commitments made at the 21st Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (CCEM) and drive forward policy implementation.
The group is focused in on five thematic areas where the ACU should work with and across its membership and with Ministerial groups such as CEMAG/CADME to support member states through practical action including developing recommendations, sharing policy and research insight and good practice, and acting as an advocate.
The high-level focus areas of the Taskforce will be:
- Making the case for sustainable higher education funding and finance
- Bridging the gap: Improving access and inclusion in HE
- Fostering sustainable and inclusive research ecosystems
- Navigating the digital frontier: Digital access and AI
- Developing future-ready graduates: Advancing employability, entrepreneurship, and skills in HE
The ACU will convene five working groups to oversee a programme of activity within each thematic area.
In 2022, Education ministers at CCEM in Nairobi, Kenya, issued a joint statement in which they recognised the urgent need to increase investment in education and skills at all ages, with particular focus on ensuring foundational skills for all. The meeting marked the first time Ministers recognised the important role of higher education in meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
The new ACU-led Taskforce will discuss these policy issues and others from the 21CCEM Ministerial declaration to develop a programme of activity to support Ministers in realising each commitment ahead of the next Education Minister’s Conference in 2025.
A report published by the Taskforce in 2024 highlighted five key themes and presented recommendations for action to be pursued with Commonwealth Governments, including at the Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in October 2024 and the 2026 Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (CCEM).
As an accredited representative body for higher education, the ACU will represent and advocate for the sector and its members at Commonwealth Ministerial meetings including CCEM and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM).
The ACU-led Taskforce is one of four working groups that the Commonwealth Secretariat has commissioned to address Ministerial recommendations. These working groups will be an important vehicle for ensuring member states can realise their commitments made and drive forward global progress in SDG 4 – ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all.
Meet the Taskforce

Professor Abdul-Rasheed

Professor Sir Hilary Beckles

Dr Kim Brooks

Professor S Bruce Dowton

Dr C Raj Kumar

Dr Rhonda L Lenton

Professor Dame Sally Mapstone FRSE

Professor Sibongile Muthwa