eduroam Wi-Fi access at the ACU

eduroam is an international service that allows staff and students at participating educational organisations to connect to the internet.

You need to initially configure eduroam with your ACU credentials before you can start using it, but once configured, the service will work automatically at any eduroam location around the world.

eduroam is available at locations around the UK and across the world.

eduroam services

The ACU facilitates both Home and Visitor services at Woburn House.

Connecting to eduroam

ACU staff should connect to eduroam using their full ACU email address and password. It is best to connect to eduroam at the ACU site before attempting to use the service at other organisations.

Visitors to the ACU should contact their home IT support services if they have trouble connecting to eduroam.

Acceptable use policy

All users must abide by the eduroam acceptable use policy, and the ACU privacy policies.

Further information

More information about the eduroam service can be found on the eduroam website.