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The Association of Commonwealth Universities | ACU

Planning for the new flexible world of work: Insights from across the Commonwealth

27th September 2022

Morning session: 07:00 to 09:00 UTC, afternoon session: 13:00 to 15:00 UTC


Online event series from the ACU HR in HE community: HR in HE shaping the future world of work

Emerging from the Covid-19 crisis, how are HR practitioners in higher education re-imagining the world of work?

Join us as we run a series of events in 2022 to explore the theme of HR in HE shaping the future world of work.

We will hear from HR practitioners and expert speakers from across the Commonwealth about what they are doing differently.

These workshops aim to bring together our members to network, share ideas and compare experiences.

Each workshop will feature a panel discussion, followed by a Q&A session. Participants will then go into break-out groups for discussion.​

Event #2: Planning for the new flexible world of work: Insights from across the Commonwealth

These sessions will share practical examples of how HR practitioners from across the Commonwealth have adapted to the changing world of work in order to ensure a positive and safe environment at their institutions.


Tarrance Ryder-Downes, Director of HR, Association of Commonwealth Universities


  • Elizabeth Baré, Fellow, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Lisa Yuhasz, Manager, Workforce Planning, the University of Waterloo, Canada 
  • Shailendra Singh Gungah, Director of Human Resources, University of Mauritius
  • Indeeren Vencatachellum, Senior Lecturer, University of Mauritius

To accommodate different time zones, two sessions will be held:

  • AM session: 7:00-9:00 UTC – featuring Elizabeth Baré, Shailendra Singh Gungah, Indeeren Vencatachellum
  • PM session: 13:00-15:00 UTC – featuring Lisa Yuhasz, Shailendra Singh Gungah, Indeeren Vencatachellum

Registration for this event closes on Friday 23 September 2022, 12:00 UTC. Please only register for one of the sessions.

Register for the AM session

Register for the PM session

More information

If you have any questions about the events, please contact 


Shailen Gungah

Indeeren Vencatachellum

Elizabeth Baré

Lisa Yuhasz

About the HR in HE Community

 This series of events is bought to you by the ACU HR in HE Community, a forum for all staff working in HR, from the most experienced professionals to those looking to increase, expand or develop their institution’s HR function.

The community provides a space for colleagues from across the Commonwealth to share their knowledge, experience and good practice, showcase ideas, and discover potential avenues for collaboration. Members can also keep up to date with the latest trends and opportunities and promote the work of their team and university.

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