ACU Equitable Research Partnerships Toolkit - Africa Week Workshop
22nd May 2023
10:00 - 12:00 (SAST) South Africa Standard Time | 09:00 - 11:00 (BST)
Hybrid event

We recently launched our debut Equitable Research Partnerships Toolkit, designed to support the creation and advancement of fairer north-south and south-south research relationships in the higher education research landscape.
Informed by substantial consultation with ACU members and equitable research partnership stakeholders and experts, the end result is a carefully curated selection of practical resources, that universities in all corners of the world can utilise to establish or enhance equity in their research relationships.
The toolkit focuses on stimulating critical thinking and dialogue about what equity means and might ‘look like’ in a research partnership, as well as practical actions that can be implemented to improve this.
Africa Week workshop: Tool 10 - Imagining and
understanding equitable research impact
Equity and impact are both increasingly expected as outcomes of research projects and partnerships. This session introduces a tool which is designed to stimulate critical thinking about the potential impacts of research conducted in partnerships, as well as the equity implications of those impacts.
The session will provide insights for academics already conducting research in global north-south, multidisciplinary or community-academic partnerships, and those who intend to establish research partnerships in the future.
This is a hybrid event. You can attend online or in-person in South Africa.